The university of Neuchâtel in Switzerland carried out extensive comparative research regarding the urbanisation of Ouagadougou, Palermo and Hanoi. The University wanted to make an exhibition of this study; a very limited budget was available. We made a virtue of necessity.
An old nightclub in Neuchâtel was available, complete with graffiti. Marleen Bos designed a city created from cardboard boxes that I could use as a carrier for image and text. By making use of i.a. spray-paint and stickers I was able to make the design for the exhibition Cosmopolis connect the scenography already present in the nightclub. For each of the cities I converted images of iconic buildings to spray-paint templates. The text panels and several info-graphics that I designed each correspond to the different cities that are addressed in the exhibition.
We left for Neuchâtel in a bus filled with cardboard boxes, photo prints and spray-cans and set the whole thing up in 4 days.
2012Designed employed by
Tinker ImagineersClient
Universiteit van NeuchâtelSpatial Design
Marleen Bos